Tuesday, September 30, 2008

text messages can be fatal...

.......ok not really but they can get you into a lot of trouble, probably not with the law but with friends and such. seeing how talking on the phone is pretty much overrated/ boring in today's times most people communicate through text messaging. being that i am an avid texter, i have often made the mistake of sending texts to the wrong person(s). this can be both an embarrassing and problematic. people often make the mistake of texting very private convos to friends and should those conversations be found can cause many problems. one way to eliminate this situation is to not put anything in a text that wouldn't want to share with anyone. sometimes things are better left said in person anyways.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

In The Alley

so it just so happens that the window in my dorm room face directly into the alley behind it. oh joy! i can hear everything from cat fights to miscellaneous people: from homeless to alcoholics, singing, laughing, and yelling. oh the bliss! i can hear the man who's garage is adjacent to my window, who me and my friend call Jerry because we don't particularly care what his real name is and Jerry seems to fit him anyways, cleaning out his garage earlier on a Sunday morning and continuously stepping on every little bubble in the bubble wrap. gotta love Jerry. and the thing that i absolutely love love love about the alley behind my room are the never quiet cats that lurk among it. el fin!