i don't even know where to start. i'll just have to separate them into categories.hmm
a) OLD MEN: ugh ok. i absolutely despise nasty old men. Especially the ones who say "thank you sweetie/ cutie/ sweetheart/ honey/ baby." not only is it disturbing but it's also very unnerving. Please Stop!! big nasties. ohhh and one day this old dude even has the audacity to say " so what time should i be at our house?" i should have socked him in his old balls. that is unexceptable behavior. he should know better. and eww. i feel nauseous now.
b) EVERYONE ON EBT: [disclaimer: i have nothing against anyone on welfare] now that that is said. i can not stand the fact that people on EBT always want at least....yes at least $200 cash back. thats ridiculous. how are you going to take the money that you're supposed to use to buy your kids food and do God knows what with it. money that you didn't earn yourself might i add. SMH
c) MOTHERS WHO VERBALLY ABUSE THEIR CHILDREN: i understand scolding your child if there doing something wrong. but cursing out your child in public is just ludicrous. this is why children join gangs/ drop out of school/ end up on EBT and other negative things that black people who weren't raised in a good manner end up doin. ..maybe i'm being a bit dramatic but still.
2) MY MANAGERS: basically they all suck most of the time.except for one.he's cool peoples i guess. dont really have much to say about them..soo next
3)PUSHING CARTS: enough said. i hate that ish. only boys should be doing that. chivalry is def dead.
and there's other things but that is all for now